Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Birthday

I am stunned at the amount of people who wished me a happy birthday on facebook.  I realize its an impersonal (is that a word??) computer program where people can pretty much write what they want free of consequences; BUT it really means a lot to me that so many people took the three seconds required to post something.

So far for my birthday I am 0/2 on the presents that I asked for.  The odd thing, I think this may be the best birthday I've ever had.  I'm healthier than I have been since I was like 18.  I have two beautiful healthy children.  My wife and I are getting along great.  My parents are in good health.  My friends and those that I care about are doing great.  Last night I learned something to be true that I would have NEVER, EVER IN A MILLION YEARS dreamed could be possible, and I have to tell ya, it warms me heart a tiny tiny bit.  Hope I dont spend the whole damn night tonight with a goofy ass grin on my face.

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